Q: How can I add more games and/or data sources to my dashboard?
A: Please email support@playerxp.io or contact your Player XP Account Manager to add games and data sources to your dashboard. You can also speak to a Player XP Analyst using our chat widget found in the bottom right of the Player XP dashboard (shown below).
Q: What does a Player XP Analyst do?
A: Our Analysts are on hand to help teams access the tool, but can also provide regular reporting on your title's performance and interesting trends in data that may be developing. They are also available to answer any questions your team may have.
Q: Why is one of the sources "Microsoft/Xbox" for a PC game?
A: Windows and Xbox share a User Review platform so we do not list the source separately when we draw data for reviews of Windows or Xbox-exclusive games.
Q: Could we add a feature that tracks players' playtime, sex, other games played etc. for marketing purposes?
A: Hertzian Ltd & Player XP are based in the UK, so therefore we are subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) policy since May 2018. This means that there are several provisions regarding the processing of the personal data of individuals within the European Economic Area. We cannot make this data available without the individual's explicit & informed consent. The data collection we perform is covered by the privacy policies of the data hosts we collect from. Should a site that we crawl alter its privacy policies to request that users allow the sharing of this data, we should be able to provide this service without being in breach of GDPR.