In this article you'll learn:
- How to use the Hub page to explore individual games
- How to access the Help Desk's content
- How to compare your games' performance against each other.
As the main access point for the Player XP platform, we thought it would be a good idea to give you a detailed explanation of how you can utilise the Hub page properly and hopefully provide some additional insight into how we view our product.
When you first log in to the Player XP dashboard via you should see the following page (with your games listed on the left-hand side)...
The standout area of this page is to the right of the game listings, where you can see an overview of your game's community activity and links to the key areas of the platform. Click any of these features (Dynamic Report, Topic Finder, Interaction Explorer) when you wish to dive into a single game further.
A couple of other key parts of this section include the toggle between 'Last 30 Days' and 'All Time' which provides you with a way to toggle the visualisations to get that instant feedback on how your game is performing. We also see a breakdown of the Channels, highlighting where your players are communicating/leaving feedback. You can click on any of these to go straight to their dedicated page within the Dynamic Report.
Moving back to the left-hand side of the Hub page, you'll see a listing of all of your available games allowing you to compare their performance against each other.
You can also access this Help Desk directly from the Hub page by clicking on the Help Desk (i) in the top right corner of the page...
In the panel on the games list, you also have four options:
- View games list
- Dashboard customisation
- Settings
- Notification settings